Basic Needs
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Each Basic Need is represented on the HUD as a meter just below the Health and Stamina bars. These meters display and hide automatically based on context.
As each Basic Need value decreases, you will begin to experience a variety of negative Status Effects. These effects will appear as an icon next to the Health Bar, and are detailed on the Radial Menu.
The Quick Access Menu is very important in Dark Future. It's where you'll go to view your current Status Effects for each of your Basic Needs, as well as other new effects.
Closing the Quick Access Menu will also force the HUD meters to display. It's handy if you want to quickly take a peek at your current status.
Default keybindings:
Keyboard and Mouse: Hold Alt
Controller: Hold Y / Triangle
Hydration represents how well your thirst has been quenched. Your Hydration depletes as time passes, resulting in status effects that become increasingly severe.
Sprinting, dodging, and Dashing will cause your Hydration to deplete more quickly.
Hydration is restored by drinking non-alcoholic drinks.
You will be too nauseous to eat or drink if your Nerve is low.
The penalties for low Hydration are:
Slight Thirst
-10% Stamina Regen Rate
-25% Stamina Regen Rate. Sprinting and jumping consume Stamina. Slowly losing Nerve over time.
-50% Stamina Regen Rate. Sprinting and jumping rapidly consume Stamina. Slowly losing Nerve over time.
-75% Stamina Regen Rate. Sprinting and jumping consume Stamina very rapidly. Nerve is depleting over time and no longer recovers automatically when critical.
Nutrition represents how well your hunger has been satisfied. Your Nutrition depletes as time passes.
Nutrition is restored by eating food.
You will be too nauseous to eat or drink if your Nerve is low.
The penalties for low Nutrition are:
Slight Hunger
-10% Max Health. -10% Health Regen Rate.
-20% Max Health. -25% Health Regen Rate. All melee attacks are -20% slower. Slowly losing Nerve over time.
-30% Max Health. -50% Health Regen Rate. All melee attacks are -30% slower. Slowly losing Nerve over time.
-40% Max Health. -75% Health Regen Rate. All melee attacks are -40% slower. Nerve is depleting over time and no longer recovers automatically when critical.
Energy represents how rested you are. Your Energy depletes as time passes.
Energy is restored by sleeping in one of your hideouts. Energy can also be restored by consuming caffeinated drinks, as well as narcotics, which carry the risk of addiction.
You will be too restless to sleep if your Nerve is low.
Some consumables, like coffee, restore Energy. These items apply stacks of the Stimulant status. Each stack of Stimulant decreases the amount of Energy restored by consumables by 25%.
The effect stacks up to 4 times, at which point, consumables can no longer restore Energy.
Sleeping until Energy is fully restored removes all stacks of Stimulant, allowing these items to restore Energy again. Sleep in a bed to fully recover your Energy, or in a vehicle if "Full" recovery has been turned on in Mod Settings.
Developer's Note: This was done in order to prevent V subsisting entirely on caffeine and narcotics long-term and never needing to sleep.
The penalties for low Energy are:
-15% Max Stamina, -10% RAM Recovery Rate.
-30% Max Stamina, -25% RAM Recovery Rate, -20% reload speed. Slowly losing Nerve over time.
-45% Max Stamina, -50% RAM Recovery Rate, -30% reload speed. Slowly losing Nerve over time.
-60% Max Stamina, -75% RAM Recovery Rate, -40% reload speed. Nerve is depleting over time and no longer recovers automatically when critical.
Nerve is the most vital Basic Need, and affects your ability to manage all other Needs. See the Nerve page for more details.